Above are the two Mackenzie Clan Badges. The one on the right is the most common, and the oldest one, depicting rocks on fire and the phrase "Luceo Non Uro" which means "I shine not burn". The left badge depicts a stags head and the phrase "Ciudic'N Righ" meaning "Help the King".
The second badge motto and stag's head come from the heroic rescue of King Alexander III by Colin MacCoinneach in 1263 who saved the king from a charging stag by shooting it dead with an arrow. For this deed and for his victory at the battle of Largs against the Danes in 1263, he was awarded the lands of Kintail, the free Barony of Kintail, the arms of a golden stag's head with a trickle of blood from between its eyes on a blue background and the right to be the hereditary Royal body guard (a tradition that was upheld until the battle of Pinkie in 1547).